ROW80 – Up, Up and Away!

Frivolous Fun Friday: 

I’m baaaaack! 😀  (Albeit slightly behind schedule –please accept my apologies.)  As promised on Wednesday, I want to give you a quick update before delving into my post today.  Therefore, this will be structure of my post today:

  • Update on ROW80 goals this week and a revised goal schedule.
  • A wee amendment to the blog schedule (just so the ROW80 updates are not random affairs -I’d hate to confuse you all -I confuse myself plenty so no need to share that experience all the time).
  • Some frivolous fun thoughts, ideas that hopefully will be enjoyed by all. 🙂

(As always, there is a pdf document at the bottom of the post for those who may find this a difficult read.)

ROW80 – Updates & New Goals:

As you all know, I have had a tough week this week and did not set off on my goals as I had planned (you can read about it here and here).  Having said that and as many of you know; the beauty of ROW80 is that we can make it fit into our lives (no matter how many little surprises life throws at us!).  So here I am, standing tall and updating you with what I have managed to do despite my pesky low-mood trying to take away the joys of my life.   -I refuse to let it win -I hope you too are not letting negativity rule you -come on let’s just get up from our seats and have a little dance *looks at each reader* come on then let’s do it *switches on iPod and starts to boogie* 😀

-oooops (I got carried away) *blushes*; now back to my update…

  • On Wednesday, I decided not to take any prisoners, so I started to get back into the swing of things with a blog post (word count 1,409 – woo hoo what a start!).  Feeling good about that achievement I opened my WIP and began reading it from the beginning.  I began working/editing on the prologue(s) -I have two (I know -I have tendencies for trying different things -I bet you have noticed that by now!), I then added 350 words towards my 500 word goal then got stuck (and also extremely tired -it was past midnight, therefore I decided to call it a day).
  • Thursday was another challenging day; I really struggled to get motivated (I even lacked appearances on Twitter!) -regardless I still prevailed.  I decided I needed time away from the screen so I printed off my draft manuscript (I could not believe how many pages I had written -my self-esteem rose somewhat at that moment and I may have also done a jig of some sort -just for the pure elation of it all!).  I started to edit on the page and tried to amend those dreaded chapters (1, 2 and 3).  I managed to write a measly 150 words towards my goal (I suppose that is better than nothing -though I have to admit I was still annoyed with myself -I am a harsh critic; I am very aware of this trait in me!).  I realised I was not happy with how I was tying the prologue(s) with the remaining chapters; therefore I stopped reading and writing -I started to think and brainstorm my ideas instead.  When my sister joined me in the evening, I discussed my concerns about the WIP with her.  We talked about the possibility of going back and starting again (the prologue(s) and chapters work well separately  but together it just seems iffy –this is where I find it difficult to move on as it needs to feel right and complete before I continue).  I then had a brainwave, I decided to take this issue and present it to my BETA readers.  I plan to ask them to read all I have written up to now and ask them their honest thoughts; which parts work for them (if any), where I can develop the story more (if needed) or do I have to have a re-think and which bits in particular.  I will be emailing them after I have written this post.
  • As for today (Friday), once this article is written; I plan to start work on another idea I had a while back (initially it was an idea for a screenplay; but now I’m considering it as a novella as well (otherwise I would be doing the main character a huge disservice).  I went over the Main Characters’ psychological make-up with Manon Eileen* and Allie Wilde* on a special psychology discussion session on twitter hosted by Manon Eileen: Character Psychology Tweetchat – #writepsych); I will re-work the outline for this new project.

*Just a quick THANK YOU to you both –you both have helped me make my MC have more substance –I understand him a little bit more therefore, hope to build a more believable story (well I guess the proof will be in the pudding once it’s completed and put out there).

ROW80 Goals:

Here are my previous writing goals (as quoted by me):

  • I will rework the first three chapters (oooer feeling panicky already -guys step in at any moment).
  • I will write a minimum of 500 words per five days a week -aiming for 27,500.00 words (take a deep breath (I did) -yep this is manageable).
  • Each day I will set aside a 15-30 minute editing session, before I start my writing; reworking the previous day’s works (also a ploy to get myself back into the flow of things).

This is my now amended ROW80 Goals:

  • Email BETA Readers my current WIP (for feedback).
  • Start outline for new project (novella/script).
  • Try to write 0-500 words per day towards WIP (a reality-check was in order here –pressure taken off in order for my muse to roam freely).
  • Should I feel stuck with point three I will consider how well I have done with my blog posts –as a means to stay positive –any achievements’ considered for acknowledgement right? *looks up expectantly*
  • Each day I will set aside a 15-30 minute editing session, before I start my writing; reworking the previous day’s works (still a ploy to get myself back into the flow of things).

THEN (When responses come back from my lovely BETA Readers:

  • I will rework the first three chapters of my WIP.
  • I will start to contribute towards the above set word goal (maybe alternate with the WIPs for a bit of variety and also it’s good my muse can just tackle something different every once in a while).

Amended ROW80 Blog Schedule:

I know I said in a previous post that I would be updating you with my ROW80 goals on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and/or Saturdays.  I have had a rethink and believe that is too unorganised therefore I have narrowed the days down to Wednesdays and Saturdays (it will tie-in better with the actual ROW80 check-ins; hopefully no confusions there!).

With Hindsight Comes Clarity –Well So They Say…

Why do I say that?  Well, I have realised that after writing the above, I have lost my trail of thought for what I wanted to write here; so now I will share you some random thoughts –just for the sheer heck of it!  Let’s see what you make of the concoction of thoughts that will fly off the page and into your mind…  What you do with it is entirely up to you; bite, chomp, chew, churn, gulp, digest, stew, rip it apart, knock a nail through it, toss it in the air –or the bin, swish it, squash it –the list is endless; I suggest you enjoy the blast and then share your angst with it (if any).

  1. In my last post I was kindly reminded (by a few thoughtful souls –you know who you are, I will not be naming any names) that the plural for sheep is sheep and not sheeps or sheep’s as I have written…err hellooooooooooooooo guys I know that already!  What do you take me for?!!!  I just felt it sounded as if it was missing something therefore, I went with the overall sound quality rather than the correct spelling (pah humbug to that!).  Did I not already mention I rather be an individual than follow the norm?  -What’s that?  Are you recollecting your thoughts back to what I wrote in that last post?  Now are you quietly nodding you head in acknowledgement?  Hmmmm… Well, like I said there was some rhyme and reason to why I decided to ignore the etiquette of spelling in that particular scenario (if you want to scream or shoot me or just give me a crash course in spelling and grammar –you can’t –I’m vetoing that decision –why?  I’m in that kind of mood so tough!).
  2. I cleared the door of my fridge-freezer yesterday and found a few Chinese proverbs (don’t ask); I thought I’d share these with you (just because I can & because I find them witty and quite true).
    1. A sharp wit is better than a harmful weapon.  (I’d love to see those in the line of fire apply wit and see if it does really abode well in all circumstances –in theory it is great but in reality…?)
    2. Money dishonestly acquired is never worth the cost.  (I have no qualms with that –I even touch on it briefly in a poem I wrote about Life <— check it out 🙂 )
    3. He who laughs last did not get the joke.  😀 (Lol!!!!!  I have been in this predicament plenty of times –sometimes it’s true I laughed out of politeness but other times –maybe I was just a wee bit slow –now now there is no need for such comments! *sulks*)
  3. Finally, on a very warm day like today (the sun was out and beaming today!) we all enjoy cool drinks, which quench our thirst.  With this in mind I wanted to share a favourite drink of mine that is really simple to make (you may have come across it in some shops already); it’s a well-known yoghurt drink in Turkey, it’s called Ayran.  What you will need is natural yoghurt, water (bottled or tap) and a little salt for flavour.  I will give guideline for one cup; you can add the ingredients to apply this for greater quantities.  In a clean glass spoon in some natural yogurt (I prefer to add enough to meet half of the glass –you can add less accordingly to your tastes).  Then top up with water, add salt for taste and stir the mixture until it all blends in (I guess you could mix it in a cocktail shaker so it becomes fluffy); add ice for extra coolness and then enjoy its delicious taste.  It’s a good, refreshing and healthy drink with all the goodness of all those friendly bacteria’s –you know the ones that go “hello, hello, hello, hello…etc…”   😀

So after all those hellos it’s time for me to say adios, taraaa, goodbye etc…   –It’s time to tackle that all important ROW80 goal –wish me luck 🙂

Copyright © Ozlem Yikici 2011 & Copyright © doodllz™ 2011. All Rights Reserved.


Thoughts and comments are encouraged as always -even if it is just a word -as all good discussions start with just one word.

Pdf document:  ROW80 – Up, Up and Away!

~ by yikici on July 15, 2011.

8 Responses to “ROW80 – Up, Up and Away!”

  1. Goooooooood luck, darling! You have set some great goals.

    And you’re very welcome! 😀 I’m planning on hosting another writepsych chat soon 🙂

    All the best!

    • Thank you Manon -I need all the ‘good lucks’ sent my way! 😀

      I look forward to another #writepsych session soon. 🙂

  2. Great progress so far! You’ve got a lot great goals too. I slipped a little this week but made up for it today. We all slip, I think. Just gotta pick ourselves up and all that jazz. 😀

    • Sonia you are a true superstar! Thank you for all the support and encouragement -it has helped alot! 😀

      I’m glad to hear you are back on track, will be popping by to check on you too 🙂

  3. Hope you do well with those new goals Oz. And don’t worry I am dancing with you 🙂

  4. To say I’m impressed with your thoughtful consideration of your goals would be an understatement. Wow. Thanks for stopping by my blog, too. The support of ROW80 and the flexibility are the best parts. Have a great week.

    • Thank you very much and you are very welcome 😀 Support is a great form in whatever you do -ROW80 is great! 🙂

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