Photoshoot – My Amateur Debut

Saturday’s Showcase Sketches:  

I’ve had a mixed day today (it really feels like it has passed by with a blur), because of it being an odd day of-some-sorts, I wanted to share a different kind of creativity with you -sometimes a variation helps me focus (we’ll see if it helps me today).  If you are wondering about my ROW80 goals, I will provide an update following the article below.

(As always, there is a pdf document at the bottom of the post for those who may find this a difficult read.)

A few weeks back I took a stab at doing an amateur photoshoot session (for items to be sold on eBay by my sister -well experiences comes in all shapes and forms!).  I was enlisted as a photographer (ahem!); my task to was to make the items for sale attractive -a rather tall order -if I do say so myself!  (The tall order -really was referring to my photography skills than the items in question -not that I doubt my skills; I just had not done a photoshoot before so was a tad unsure.)  I started of hesitantly -as did the model; then we picked up pace and confidence which reflected in the many delightful photo’s I took.  Here is a selection of my favourites (some are raw images from the day (quite catalogue-esque images), others I have played around in Photoshop to give it a bit of a va-va-va-voom style that may be fitting for a magazine photoshoot).  This was a fun project to take part in and I hope to experiment more with photography and Photoshop imagery when I have more time; for the moment, I hope the visuals below work.

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If you are interested in the items above, please head off to Esmyster‘s eBay page for all listed items.  In addition, I have set up a gallery page for you to view the above images in detail please click here to view the Esmyster’s eBay Photoshoot.


Following my scheduling from yesterdays article; it’s time for a quick update.

  • Friday:  After yesterdays blog post I felt extremely pooped (tired for those who are not familiar with the terminology); so I rested -I wrote a staggering 1872 words for the article so I musn’t grumble!
  • Saturday:  Today I emailed my WIP to my betareaders (accomplished -yay!) and started to outline my new project as mentioned yesterday -but for some unknown reason my muse wanted me to think about the WIP I sent off to my betareaders -so I did.  In addition to that I brainstormed a mini-outline for it too (I guess that is not too bad); let’s see what else takes place.  I haven’t yet started my word goals (as the outlines are not complete) therefore, let’s consider this articles word count (currently it is at 519+ words); I have hit over 500 words -yay!  I’m chuffed to bits -not to mention the time I spent on Photoshop enhancing the photographs and then attaching it here then checking out how to work the slideshow and gallery options -not bad for a day’s attempt methinks! 🙂

All in all it’s pretty good… now I need some time away from the laptop so without further ado I’m taking a break…  *heads off to make a cuppa and then take some time to chill*

Copyright © Ozlem Yikici 2011 & Copyright © doodllz™ 2011. All Rights Reserved.


Do you dabble in different avenues -if so what are they?  I’d love to hear what you get up to when you just need that change.  As you already know, thoughts and comments are encouraged as always -even if it is just a word -as all good discussions start with just one word.

Pdf document:  Photoshoot – My Amateur Debut

~ by yikici on July 16, 2011.

14 Responses to “Photoshoot – My Amateur Debut”

  1. I think you did a good job with the photos. I play around with my digital camera once in a while, and sometimes I come up with something spectacular. Other times, well, we just won’t talk about it. 🙂

    Keep up the work on your ROW80 efforts.

    • lol! 😀 I’m with you on that one and I too will keep schtum with regards to the sometimes not-so-great photographs taking shape!

      Thank you Lisa

  2. I love creating just about anything and dabble in a few different venues. I sew clothes and quilts and other things, I paint, woodwork, photograph (mostly my kids and animals). I really try and do everything that catches my attention even if it doesn’t stick (like knitting, jewlery making, spinning yarn, soap making, candle making, etc.).

    Though I always seem to come back to writing 🙂

    • Wow! You are multi-talented! It’s good to be able to creative in other avenues but as you say writing always finds a way back into the spotlight! 😀

      Thank you for popping by 🙂

  3. It’s a bunch of great photos! You are talented all-round.

    I am glad ROW80 is going good. Daily goals is way better than no goals. You’re going places, missy. Good luck with conquering eBay! 😀

    • *blushes* Violeta Thank you!!! 😀 You are very kind -I’m glad to have such a lovely twin like you!!! 🙂

      I have not succeeded in my daily goals this week -hey ho… I’ll provide an update tomorrow…

      As for conquering eBay -I doubt that would be the case -it was just one teeny tiny photoshoot!

  4. Your pictures are beautiful. You are doing great with your writing goals. Hope you get some good feedback from your beta readers. Have a great day!

  5. The photoshoot looks great! Congratulations on achieving your ROW 80 goals and doing a great photoshoot. Truly multi-talented!

  6. Omigosh those photos are amazing! They do look like a magazine shoot. Wow!!!

    • *looks up with a huge grin* Awww thank you Sonia, that’s just made my day! 🙂 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! 😀

  7. Your photos are great!

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